“Kintsugi” by Seiko Oomori starts as an “evening” instead of a “morning”, and Seiko talks about music being “a five-dimensional thing that can change the time axis”. Time has apparently inspired her writing for the album, and I guess it’s up to people like me and you to figure out […]
The headline “Singer releases first new non-Christmas, non-duet track since 2016” says a lot about the state of Gwen Stefani last time. She hasn’t released anything really exciting since 2012, and that wasn’t nearly as exciting as her solo stuff from the middle of the decade. And now, after […]
Ten years later – is it really that bad? No, it’s very good. And weird. The metal screams aren’t what’s weird, what’s weird is to use them for screaming the words “it’s boppin’ for sure”. They distort and autotune the screams, and use them in all places possible (compared to before […]
Ten years later – is it really that bad? No, it’s very good. And weird. The metal screams aren’t what’s weird, what’s weird is to use them for screaming the words “it’s boppin’ for sure”. They distort and autotune the screams, and use them in all places possible (compared to before […]
Albumet “8 anledningar att hata ett band” av underground-hiphop-duon Ungdumshälsan (bestående av Organismen & Öris) innehåller våld och mord (“det är en hårfin gräns mellan oliktänkande och döda”), förvirrande liknelser (“du är jag när vi två ligger o myser“), mer våldsdr […]
Six out of the eleven songs of “Kiss From the Darkness” have a music video (and one has a lyric video), which makes “Kiss From the Darkness” feel like a live show, or a movie, or a prolonged music video. We see Scandal rocking away in colored rooms, dancing in the street, and most notably we […]
Seiko Oomori is fun and crazy, and I’m not sure if I should be her best friend or stay a few feet away from her. I was still unsure while watching her Youtube live, getting punched by her from inside a karaoke room on the other side of the screen. Seiko rarely stops entertaining, and can play melo […]
Schoochie! He’s not the most well-known rapper, and he hasn’t really created any critically acclaimed masterpieces, but he kind of created the whole trap genre. He may sound similar to many others in the genre today, but in the early 00s he was quite unique. Not even “Trap Musik” by T.I., kn […]