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Category Archives: 2020s

Top 100 K-pop music videos by girl groups (2009-2022)

NOTE: Because 100 embedded YouTube videos was too much for browsers to handle, I use small thumbnails that you can click on instead to watch the videos. Here it is: The list! I’ve locked myself into the magical world of K-pop, and used the whole last month to binge-watch almost all K-pop music vid […]

Rebellious trap metal artist $ATSUKI is back with an album about Jesus

Six months ago, the Korean rapper $ATSUKI made music like this (read more about $ATSUKI’s old music here): Now she’s like this: Smiling, happy and practicing religion directly on her Instagram account! What happened? What happened to $ATSUKI’s extreme trap metal aesthetic and music? She found […]

The best songs of 2021

If you’ve been a fan of my quarterly reports series during 2021, I’m about to disappoint you: There won’t be any more of them this year (only three texts for a quarter-based series? So unpure!!). Instead I’m making a whole-year list with 2021’s absolute best songs! The happy-go-lucky style […]

My life changed after watching Chiaki Mayumura do this (synchronize the audience’s clapping)

Watch this: Chiaki Mayumura ends a song, and starts a dance to match the audience’s clapping, probably just out of spontaneous fun. Then she does weird things to see how the clapping reacts, and when she finishes with three quick jumps, the crowd claps exactly like her jumps: […]

I got obsessed with this song by starling so I talked to starling about it

I heard the mashup song “EPIC IV” by starling, and got immediately hooked. This is the kind of music that gets me the most excited: when it’s filled with constant subtle twists and turns, and every millisecond seems to have a thought behind it. And since I’ve been obsessed with this song for […]

3 questions to TORIENA about her new album “TORIENA makes me smile”

In my last text about TORIENA, I talked about her 2020 album “PURE FIRE”, which I described as “a hard electronic album, full of instrumental rave music that seems to have no limits to its heaviness”. PURE FIRE was such a unique album and an intense experience from start to finish, so when I […]

My Quarterly Report of Q3 2021

Time for the quarterly report! During Q3 I have used my time to play video games, so there aren’t as many music picks here as usual. But the ones I’ve found are guaranteed to give you a good time, at least if you’re the exact same person as me (which you are). Music that has made me feel good […]

Seiko Oomori releases self-cover album “PERSONA #1”

Seiko Oomori, a Japanese singer-songwriter that I have written about before, has had a really productive year. She’s usually recognized by her high-energy music and unpredictable voice, and you’ll get more of that on her recent album “PERSONA #1”, even though some aspects of it is different. […]

Mange Makers – R3UNION (recension och analys på svenska)

Mange Makers är tillbaka! Efter att ha varit borta sedan 2016 visar de sig åter i offentligheten, och har under året släppt både en dokumentärserie, några musikvideos och allra senast det nya albumet “R3UNION”. Kulturellt sett kan de påstås ha varit borta ända sedan 2011, eftersom de […]

HANABIE. – Independence, “Girl’s Reform Manifest” and colorful music videos

HANABIE? (“????”) is the Japanese metal band on the rise with the crazy gimmick:y music videos: They mix heavy metal with classic J-pop cuteness, which they absolutely aren’t the first at, but what differs them from many others is that their gimmicks don’t have any super-obvious calculations […]

My Quarterly Report of Q2 2021

Half of 2021 has passed! These are the music pieces that have created the most good vibes during the second half of the first half (Quarter 2) of 2021. No particular movements have flourished, no eras have ended or begun, and no patterns can be found. Here it is: Redman – 80 Barz. The 80s are back […]


Her name is $ATSUKI, and she is pretty extreme. For example, on her song “????!” she shouts “I am a boss and you are a slut! you suckin another dick. bitch i’m boss you are a slut!”, and it’s almost impossible to count how many times she says “shibal” (“??”, a Korean curse word e […]

A more complete text about hy4_4yh

In my last text about the Japanese rap group hy4_4yh (read it!), I described them as “80s rappers, but in Japan, in the 2000s, rapping mostly over Indonesian rave music (“funkot”), or rock, or punk, or pop, or hip hop.” I focused on their time with the hyperactive “funkot” genre in the m […]

“Mad Maria” by ELLene

ELLene’s debut EP “Mad Maria” from 2020 sounds way too good to be a debut EP. That’s because it kind of isn’t one. It may be the first work that “ELLe” and “Ené” have made together, but seperately they’ve made more stuff before. The singers ELLe and Ené are diverse and talented […]

Toriena breaks expectations and changes style on “Pure Fire”

In 2020, Japanese artist Toriena released a hard electronic album called “Pure Fire”, full of mostly instrumental rave music that seems to have no limits to its heaviness. It’s a great album, but I don’t want to stop at that conclusion, because Pure Fire is more than just a great music album […]

My Quarterly Report of Q1 2021 – Part 2

Read Part 1! Since too many videos confuses a post I divided My Quarterly Report into two parts. This one is just as wild as Part 1 (if you thought it was wild at all). Here are some more things from the first quarter of 2021 that I enjoyed: Japanese pop duo Elleene made a song: Japanese chiptune/po […]

My Quarterly Report of Q1 2021 – Part 1

What’s good in 2021? Which subcultures are on the rise? What genre is the most prominent, and where is the most fresh music created? I don’t know, it mostly seems to be random. Here’s some stuff I’ve enjoyed from the first quarter of 2021: Frej Larsson‘s cyphers/freestyles. Swedish rap inc […]

Hyuna IS cool, no matter what her EP says (Hyuna – I’m Not Cool)

HyunA just released her new EP “I’m Not Cool”, and I must clarify that she IS cool, no matter what she says. She’s so cool I don’t feel the need to cover up my excitement for her with intellectuality (just look at 1:06 and tell me you don’t love her). She seems to have this effect on eve […]

The name “14th Generation Toilet Hanako-San” says it all

As a person in constant search for weird eccentric artists, could I find more of a jackpot than a little girl who sings (screams) brutal hardcore, spits rotten food at audience members and is called “14th Generation Toilet Hanako-San”? No. 14th Generation Toilet Hanako-San (????????????) is a 44 […]

Kenneth & the Knutters breaks nine years of silence

On the first Kenneth & the Knutter’s song in nine years, vocalist Kickin’ Kenneth sings about a girl being so hot it causes him to faint. Wow! New young love, or a praise for his wife? Neither, it turns out the song is about a motorcycle, according to an interview. Not surprising coming from a b […]

Yoneko – I Have a Little Hangover

Who is Yoneko? An ex-member of alternative idol groups MIGMA SHELTER and Bellring Shoujo Heart, who went solo and thereafter completely independent by expressly leaving the “idol” life. But what does Yoneko say about Yoneko? Yoneko says this about Yoneko: – “An alternative singer-songwriter […]

Six Japanese rappers in a ZOOM call – can I join? (Zoomgals)

No, unfortunately. But both you and I can listen to Zoomgals’ songs! The name “Zoomgals”? They started in the beginning of the pandemic and created positivity out of something negative, taking turns performing verses in a Zoom group meeting with fun backgrounds. The Zoom concept seems to have […]

Kaachi – K-pop from Europe

Is it K-pop? Or European-pop? What is it?? Short explanation: No, Kaachi isn’t from Korea, but they still make K-pop, and for this they got a ridiculous amount of criticism. What is K-pop? “Pop music from Korea”? Way too simple. The Japanese group NiziU is categorized as J-pop but since they d […]

Mikl Shea & Phat J from Brokencyde are back!

A reunion of current Brokencyde and former Brokencyde! I wonder what the “I can’t believe Brokencyde is still making music?!” people will say when they see Phat J is back, and he’s back dancing in a crocodile outfit?! Probably: “Wow.” “Mirage” is a nostalgia EP which isn’t aiming t […]

Seiko Oomori is insane once again on "Kintsugi"

“Kintsugi” by Seiko Oomori starts as an “evening” instead of a “morning”, and Seiko talks about music being “a five-dimensional thing that can change the time axis”. Time has apparently inspired her writing for the album, and I guess it’s up to people like me and you to figure out […]

"Let Me Reintroduce Myself" and some hope for a new Gwen album

The headline “Singer releases first new non-Christmas, non-duet track since 2016” says a lot about the state of Gwen Stefani last time. She hasn’t released anything really exciting since 2012, and that wasn’t nearly as exciting as her solo stuff from the middle of the decade. And now, after […]

SCANDAL is unclear and great in "Kiss From the Darkness"

Six out of the eleven songs of “Kiss From the Darkness” have a music video (and one has a lyric video), which makes “Kiss From the Darkness” feel like a live show, or a movie, or a prolonged music video. We see Scandal rocking away in colored rooms, dancing in the street, and most notably we […]

Tier 4 – four streamers get massive critique and make a new video

In the spring of 2020, Korean Twitch streamers HAchubby, Jinnytty, Yuggie_TV and Yunicorn19 came together to form a k-pop group. HAchubby being the most charismatic of the four, and while it comes in weird and humorous forms on her Twitch channel, like overly-cute personas, bad English and memes, sh […]