Ruby and $crim were two cousins who rapped on their own songs separately, but neither of their careers didn’t really get off before they started writing songs about their life troubles, formed a duo and started calling themselves “$UICIDEBOY$”. The group’s career started on Soundcloud in 201 […]
Seiko Oomori, a Japanese singer-songwriter that I have written about before, has had a really productive year. She’s usually recognized by her high-energy music and unpredictable voice, and you’ll get more of that on her recent album “PERSONA #1”, even though some aspects of it is different. […]
Let’s face a current problem in the music industry: Musicians don’t make enough money. Or do they? And, do they even have to? A pretty normal, and contradicting, view coming from striving musicians is one where art is the most important thing to them and because of that they should be paid to ma […]
Jun Togawa is an ingenious singer from Japan, mostly active in the 80s and 90s, whom this website has already covered a few times (read about her approach to art and lyrics, her intense growl-pop song “Punk Mushi No Onna” and her view on love). Today I’m gonna write about something else regard […]
Efter att ha lyssnat igenom en massa låtar av Frej Larsson, så tänkte jag försöka förstå vad det är som gör honom ständigt aktuell och aldrig passé, vilket han i mina ögon varit under de senaste 15 åren. Vad är det som gör honom så äkta, tidlös och intressant? Frej Larssons liv är […]
Mange Makers är tillbaka! Efter att ha varit borta sedan 2016 visar de sig åter i offentligheten, och har under året släppt både en dokumentärserie, några musikvideos och allra senast det nya albumet “R3UNION”. Kulturellt sett kan de påstås ha varit borta ända sedan 2011, eftersom de […]
HANABIE? (“????”) is the Japanese metal band on the rise with the crazy gimmick:y music videos: They mix heavy metal with classic J-pop cuteness, which they absolutely aren’t the first at, but what differs them from many others is that their gimmicks don’t have any super-obvious calculations […]
Half of 2021 has passed! These are the music pieces that have created the most good vibes during the second half of the first half (Quarter 2) of 2021. No particular movements have flourished, no eras have ended or begun, and no patterns can be found. Here it is: Redman – 80 Barz. The 80s are back […]