Time for the quarterly report! During Q3 I have used my time to play video games, so there aren’t as many music picks here as usual. But the ones I’ve found are guaranteed to give you a good time, at least if you’re the exact same person as me (which you are). Music that has made me feel good […]
Ruby and $crim were two cousins who rapped on their own songs separately, but neither of their careers didn’t really get off before they started writing songs about their life troubles, formed a duo and started calling themselves “$UICIDEBOY$”. The group’s career started on Soundcloud in 201 […]
Seiko Oomori, a Japanese singer-songwriter that I have written about before, has had a really productive year. She’s usually recognized by her high-energy music and unpredictable voice, and you’ll get more of that on her recent album “PERSONA #1”, even though some aspects of it is different. […]
Let’s face a current problem in the music industry: Musicians don’t make enough money. Or do they? And, do they even have to? A pretty normal, and contradicting, view coming from striving musicians is one where art is the most important thing to them and because of that they should be paid to ma […]
Jun Togawa is an ingenious singer from Japan, mostly active in the 80s and 90s, whom this website has already covered a few times (read about her approach to art and lyrics, her intense growl-pop song “Punk Mushi No Onna” and her view on love). Today I’m gonna write about something else regard […]
Efter att ha lyssnat igenom en massa låtar av Frej Larsson, så tänkte jag försöka förstå vad det är som gör honom ständigt aktuell och aldrig passé, vilket han i mina ögon varit under de senaste 15 åren. Vad är det som gör honom så äkta, tidlös och intressant? Frej Larssons liv är […]
Mange Makers är tillbaka! Efter att ha varit borta sedan 2016 visar de sig åter i offentligheten, och har under året släppt både en dokumentärserie, några musikvideos och allra senast det nya albumet “R3UNION”. Kulturellt sett kan de påstås ha varit borta ända sedan 2011, eftersom de […]
HANABIE? (“????”) is the Japanese metal band on the rise with the crazy gimmick:y music videos: They mix heavy metal with classic J-pop cuteness, which they absolutely aren’t the first at, but what differs them from many others is that their gimmicks don’t have any super-obvious calculations […]