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Note to self: Don't create from anxiety

I got stuck in some thoughts that are very easy to get stuck in: Anxiety over if people will understand and like what you create. Here are three quotes I like, that get me out of those thoughts so I can focus on just making cool things instead: […]

The Pussy Method - my new method for creating computer programs

Programmers follow different religions when it comes to project management, and I felt the existing ones were lame so I created my own: The Pussy Method. (Tech humans, please name things more LIVELY than "agile" and "scrum"!!) The Pussy Method is a mix of the old "Waterfall methodology" (set a plan […]

I want maximal variation in life, so I looked at JPG compression and how it works

This post's cover image is a mix of these 2 images (the Youtube thumbnail for "Wonderful World" by Ano, and "Holiday" by Girls' Generation): A while ago when I went through all K-pop music videos ever in the history of the entire world, I saved the videos I liked in my own bookmark system, which is […]

The kbrecordzz productivity journey

I've dabbled in productivity (getting as much good things done as possible in your short stay on Earth) throughout my life (the last year), but while "hustle culture" may inspire you in the moment you don't really want to live like that forever (unless you really do). Many tricks for getting more th […]

We need the Game Boy Advance user design on the internet!

Great user design is when there's no user design at all. Any user interface (buttons, menus or whatever) is one step too much between the user's wish and a result. Earlier I talked about making games that start fast, and I think the programmer John Carmack said something like (can't find the quote!) […]

Don't keep it simple when programming?

When I play Rise: Race the Future, I crash into the "walls" beside the roads in the same frustrating way every time. They could have made more ways to physically interact with these walls but they made it simple by making them all work exactly the same everywhere. Creating a game is a bit like being […]

How are the creators of It Takes Two so creative?

The game It Takes Two is one of the most creative pieces of art I've seen, so full of variation and dense of content. Josef Fares is the director of the game and he often talks about "bringing out the creative monster" in people, but I felt he never specified exactly how he does that, and I wanted t […]

Building a terrain engine for browser games (Games should start fast, and run fast!)

I got annoyed at how complicated gaming is. You need a powerful computer, you need to find a game, decide if you want to buy it, wait for it to install and maybe register an account, and THEN you can hopefully start playing. That's a 2000s PC desktop mindset that still rules gaming, which is weird b […]




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