To make big things, you must first get rid of everyone else that don’t believe people can make big things. That’s the first step towards getting rid of that same belief inside you, and the only way you can even get started. Then you start doing things, and continue, and find a way to not get tir […]
The This Is (NOT!) A Car Club universe has expanded, with two new characters! They will play important separate roles in a coming game, that yet has no name. So, let's get started! […]
Congratulations! My game This Is (NOT!) A Car Club just reached 100 000 views on Neocities! Or really, 99 351 views. I assumed it would have exceeded 100 000 by now, but... it didn't. And now I'm pressing SEND on this blogpost. Those 100 000 are probably inflated in some way that I don't fully under […]
Four years ago, in 2020, I had some hopes for a new Gwen album. Then I waited, and waited, and waited more. And today it finally came out! […]
In my previous post I wrote about the limitations web browsers put on your web program's or game's Javascript code. You want to use a device's full CPU and memory - especially if you make something advanced like a game - but you can't. But if you learn how web browsers work, you can make the best ou […]
Here are some thoughts following "The bootstrap problem": In order to create multiple web games without ending up with more and more to do because the games need to continue to function on a changing web, I made sure to use timeless HTML and Javascript features for This Is (NOT!) A Car Club so I won […]
I just read something about the latest web programming trend "#nobuild", which means: Writing code in a normal way in order to make it run normally in a web browser. It never ceases to amaze me how people can believe something that has existed since the web started - no, something that is the founda […]
In 2014, Jessica Jung left/was kicked out from the K-pop group Girls' Generation, after 7 years together. The group hasn't said one word about it since, and when they talk about their history they do it like Jessica Jung was never there. This smells like big company damage control, personal feelings […]