Golden email #4: Bye 2022!! Hi 2023!!!!!!

What I learned in 2022:

Dare to imagine the impossible, that's the only way to achieve it.
If you just adapt to being called "crazy", you can start doing great things.

Storytelling is how you get people to care about stuff, telling objective truths is not. Involve humans or things with human traits and put them in situations and people won't stop caring about what you say.

Korea knows how to make cool things.
Because they know that people like humans, their faces and their personalities, bright colors and things that go BOOM BAM BOW.

Originality is timelessness.
Or, timelessness is when you remove all the references.

One single person today can do what a big team did yesterday, because of free licenses and the rapid devlopment of AI.
Perfectionism is a myth because you make better things when you have some relaxed fun! Even Rick Rubin (producer of everything) agrees.

The English speaking world is only 17% of the world.

And of course that Seulgi of Red Velvet and Freddie Dredd will marry each other in a marriage (in Minecraft) and have cute Candian/Korean memphis rap/K-pop babies that will create a band together and tour the world and secure a happy pension for the now increasingly aging Seulgi and Freddie Dredd they're so fricking old that it's cringe and also Seulgi look hot as ********* in that Freddie Dredd album cover and I understand why he chose that picture but I'm still mad that he didn't answer my tweet!

In 2022 I LEARNED a lot of things, in 2023 I will DO a lot of things.

/kbrecordzz, 2022-12-31