October - December 2023
230930: finishing new version. testing. adding. got inspired by kids. i think i should be like them. giving "NPC" characters names. trying to get everything to fit in the "pause menu".
230929: i made the naive judgement that work providers actually care about you. i guess you have to do that yourself. thinking of starting a series on kbrecordzz.com where i document different parts of my game to #1: finish them off both practically and mentally, #2: document it for myself and others, #3: finally write something about my game on the website which i've been planning to do (the project is so big that i don't know where to start!). but, the blogposts may become too technical and boring for kbrecordzz.com. but on the other hand, it's my website and i do what i want.
230928: stopped minifying code because it sucks. finishing off some things, making the project smaller. cutting off unnecessary things (mostly from my mind). now i'm gonna finish the world, add a lot of weird areas and places and things. maybe i'll release a new version of the game just because! (i really should) then in october i will finish the story. absolute last last last last deadline is end of year, but i'll put deadlines before that in my head to not become slow and lazy.
230927: trying to get lights to work but i can't make it work. finishing the world instead. i have lots of notes. i've noted down all places in the world because i want to create all places in the world in my game. let's see how that turns out.
minified code.
230926: lights
i THINK i cracked the code for how to get 100% uptime for my website. or, it will probably be 99%, and it depends pretty much on loud email notifications that i have to raise out of bed for. i just need to have a simple feature-less backup of kbrecordzz.com on Neocities, then I change the DNS record for kbrecordzz.com to point to the Neocities backup site whenever something happens.
BUT, i'm realizing now, that if my kbrecordzz.com server goes down, i won't have access to the DNS record settings because they're also at my server provider. hmm... i need to have that one separate?
230925: light
230924: brainstorming places for my world. i love that random people on the internet are more helpful than the tech support on companies who's products i pay for are. adding position-specific LIGHTS to the game. THIS is the ACTUAL big breakthrough.
For a long time I didn't know what I liked with this video by now defunct K-pop group "GLAM": I Like That. It's that they're so EXPRESSIVE. Pause the video at any second and you'll see a shot of a person making a very strong and obvious expression.
230923: trying to think like a producer. to get things DONE.
230922: HTTPS (secure HTTP) is the thing that breaks internet for old devices. just let your website fallback on HTTP if they don't have HTTPS! but, most people don't do it because they don't care about the past and the future, they only care about the +-5 years around today, if even that. trying to get going with the game. made a pixel art maker because the one i used doesn't work on linux. made a hex editor. realized there's an "unsubscribe" button in all emails. wow! how can i be funny and creative if i think about computer stuff and talk to nerds all day? hmm...
230921: looking for a way to not have one single point of failure for my website's uptime. if you have a thing that switch between my server and my backup server when the server goes down, that "thing" is still one single point of failure. hmmm... creating a "chaos monkey" to bugtest my game.
230920: i got inspired by hy4_4yh, now i want to be completely crazy just like them. trying to make mail work but it's fucking impossible. how can mail not be the easiest thing in the world. it's just mail. i just want to send ONE mail. do i really have to setup a gigantic system to send ONE mail? apparently. update: it works now. now i have a monitoring system that notifies me when my website(s) are down. i also have to comment nice stuff on reddit so i get more "comment karma" so i can get help with network stuff by people in the network groups.
230919: i want to make my website never go down for the coming 10 years.
i want to make my game playable offline, by downloading the HTML file and all the image and music files as a .zip file (it already ALMOST works).
230918: trying to get the faraway mountain view to work. maybe i'll release a mountain view instead of a game... thinking of getting back some of the old kbrecordzz.com vibe to the website
230917: i have speeded up kbrecordzz.com by removing unnecessary files and reducing image size. i have NOT put my site on neocities, because i can't, because they don't allow PHP. so the site is still slow around the world, gradually slower the longer from Sweden you are. only the game is on neocities.
gif:s take very much space for being so low-fi.
adjusting the new very big game world so the stuff far away looks good.
i have started making a funky "game console" portal site for my game. inspired by the nintendo 64 game manuals that lie on my table as inspiration. i've aimed for perfection for so long, that i decided that this portal page will be instpired by total chaos... Right now, the portal is at https://kbrecordzz-portal.neocities.org/. It has its own TV...
230916: want to make something unique on Neocities. my game is something new that people don't know about so there's no way to find it. my kbrecordzz.com blog is about established things that people search for so people visit that site. i like the vibe of Neocities so i'm thinking of making a "portal" there where i publish my game, and if i make more similar things i will publish them there too. people aren't used to playing games online where the progress is saved to your browser cookies every second, so this portal could be used to teach people about that.
multi layered humour could be fun but it may be too complex.
new drawing distance (now you can see EVERYTHING). because i was at a motocross show and saw mountains in the vast distance and felt divine. but now, the sky is just one single color and not an image (because fog made the faraway lands and the sky into the exact same color).
230915: Making small changes to the game. Thinking about its optimal form. Considering becoming more "family friendly", or maybe "warm" is the right word. I can't explain it further than that, but that's where I want to go, hopefully without destroying and watering down the uniqueness and weirdness of the game. Devastating news about the game's graphics: you can see right through HÃ¥rass' unibrow. i feel like watching k-pop videos on youtube on my phone (or maybe any type of device) is the optimal form of... something.
230914: making a new archive system (what if web.archive.org disappears tomorrow??). now the game has its own domain notacarclub.kbrecordzz.com and is hosted on Neocities instead of on my server (suddenly, i DON'T want to do everything myself??), and because of that you can now load the game faster if you live in Singapore + roundabouts. finally made a good VHS effect.
230913: continuing on the story language.
230912: learning the backbone of the internet. the parts that always have felt like hidden to me. "that's too complicated. i have my server and my code but it's too hard, expensive and law restricted to see what's below all of it", I thought. that's something internet service providers do. but they were just normal people one time that decided to learn all of that and create all of that? so why can't I. those companies always make it seem like what they do is extremely complicated, so i won't become a competitor or something. and continuing on the story language. and making graphics faster. maybe i can make turbo faster now?
i love linux. figuring out how to get the sound to work takes three days, setting up a name server to become a backbone of the internet takes one hour. i can now propagate all name servers (DNS) in the world now. kind of.
230911: DNS. and will continue on the story language.
230910: fixing bad performance on bad computers. publishing game. lately i've been astonished by Toby Fox' music and Solji from EXID singing "Tears". This. The fact that she things like that a "joke" in a karaoke booth, the fact that the show editors don't make a way too big thing out of it and almost focus more on the other members goofing around, the way the song's vocals go up in pitch more and more until they've reached their peak and then they go up once more. She's a great singer with a stable pitch but what makes it magical is her passion. The strength in her voice. The fact that she has practiced for years to be able to sing this magically, and that she gives it her all even if it's a joke segment in a karaoke booth for a TV show.
230909: always made an consistent sea bottom. created starting positions for all chunks in the game so you never spawns down in the ocean or on an isolated island.
i must put VHS filter on game. it doesn't get advantage from being sharp HD
230908: making a backwards translator and bringing scrapped story ideas back to life
will release a new version next week! a really good one.
230907: biggest breakthrough so far (i don't know what to call it except "editing room list". but that doesn't say anything). it's basically: now i can write 3 lines of code instead of 12 lines to create situations and events in the game. and it's not even code, it's written language. it's like:
dark gandalf,position
that's it and that will become a scene where those two characters stand somewhere and the music file gets played.
once again, i'm spending lots of time programming to be able to not program. the game system is done and works well so i want to get out of it and be able to create well instead.
230906: saw the anime sailor moon and fell in love, then i saw sailor moon's creator and also fell in love
of course someone who creates as cool things like this will have an as cool outfit and cool... appearance,vibe,swag,rizz,drip like that. lowkey princess of obscure south asian mountain state vibe

and yes, i did things on the project too
230905: being in MAD finishing mode. i have so much material that the only thing left is to find a CONTEXT for everything and just making it WORK. recalibrating my creative process, up until now it has been: do random shit, then choose the best parts. but it feels outdated. everything i've written through all my life is weird stream-of-conciousness without editing. i like the weirdness and i know how to make it good, but i want to find a new method.
God i have so many ideas written down. As I said, I need to become really good at judging what's good and how to use it... The golden rule seems to be: Go through old notes, save the ones that are good but DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THEM, wait until tomorrow because then you will know what to do with them.
230904: finishing a 3x better version of the game
230903: formulated a grandious vision
230902: just got home from inspiration trip to norway
am now obsessed with chinese traditional fashion:
230901: coming up with characters
August 2023