January - February 2024
231231: finishing
5 saker:
-hur känns starten, introt musiken hårass i början NPC i början (mouseclick ui i början för pistol?)
-race varv, flag-race, NPCs under race
-cylindrar, hur replikera bugg hur testa
-haftlan race fixa, flaggor där man ser dem i hörn, tydligt inga hus i vägen. Inga race får blandas ihop med andra vägar typ de nya. Byt ut WRONGWAY mot KEEP TRACK OF THE FLAG AND THE ROAD
-skriv klart storyn Rättstavning (govern men, bygga järnväg, tvättmaskiner, NPCs) MUSIK finslipa gameplay få det att linjärt gå ihop testa
-mobil (zoom in ut, fullscreen, iphone ipad landscape), portal (info2 länkar osv target blank), EP1/EP2 t.ex. cookies, olika enheter, high refreshrate på gamingdatorer (bug huntington LIVE med ljud mycket på riktiga sidan, hitta alla buggar, kolla om alla talk-karaktärer funkar rätt i kod, kolla så att man inte fastnar typ dogertcourse tidsgräns) kolla debug, sparfunktion starta från början
Det släpps på riktigt och inte bara på skoj
EP1: ta bort flags
(landmärken norway dogertcourse, haftlan entré, (pc farm))
(fattar man tvättmaskiner eller behöver man fler vägar, eller tydligare tvättmaskiner)
(volym på allt)
(kolla render calls, sätt error om orimligt mycket)
231230: finishing. tomorrow: fix race errors. fix cylinder wrongs. haftlan race, and the beginning, test. PUT MUSIC ON EVERYTHING. (test everything on mobile etc, with music+sound). then do things. skriv rent, och testa spela igenom allt på riktigt. sedan släpp.
231229: continuing.
sedan bug huntington
lägg in fler moving, kolla från nya idéer. vilka platser? haftlan, tjörn, norway, (passage 3)
kolla note "GOVERN MEN 2"
231228: today not gameplay license. today FLOATIES, and then SPEED RACE, AKER and connecting to FLOATIES. (if you don't understand anything of this, i guess it just sucks to be you!!)
and also tomorrow: fix the races, hopefully.
and after that: mobile. it will be done last but it must be done. most of all: mobile landscape, because that's a layout i can't test anywhere else on an actual physical mobile (portrait is the same on computer and mobile). AND MUSIC! it won't be hard but it must be done.
231227: continuing. fixing story. today: magnetdrown & carclubfire. tomorrow: gameplay license.
more alternative cutscenes (BinocuLars)
Bug Huntington, more automatic testing
everything works so well now that i won't touch anything. PRAGMATISM
i want this diary to be inspired by Steve Jobs' emails
best song: song
231226: continuing. tomorrow continuing better. tomorrow i will either do gameplay license, start with the WASHING cutscene (dialogue and stuff), or start from the end. or MAYBE continuing with the talk characters and the alternative cutscenes, that I have already started with. everything has to be done.
231225: making "alternative cutscenes" work. and intensively thinking of how i will finish EPISODE 2 before 2024. writing characters.
231224: checking the code. and having intimate love affairs with Santa Claus.
231223: made files smaller
231222: fixing things.
231221: started fixing a BIG bug/wrongness in EPISODE 1. it shouldn't happen but it happened. i hope it's the only thing i'll have to fix.
for EPISODE 2. now i can't add things, and barely change things. finish the things i've started and let everything be if there is no HUGE win in changing it. if it doesn't make the game more fun, don't do it.
231220: ain't writing anything here today.
231219: forgot to write yesterday. have nothing to write today.
231217: talk characters. various. learning how to be satisfied with stuff even when it isn't 100% done, making it as good as possible before deadline, focusing on the right things. do i really need to be perfectionist about everything if it doesn't make the game fun? at the same time, it's extremely important to be perfectionist about the right things, like creating the magical view from mountain-tops. i'm not even sure it's important to be perfectionist about everything even if you have infinite time, why not focus even MORE on the right things instead then?
really have to start with the story soon
231216: Various.
tomorrow: NPCs. what they say (they say bad things about the car club members, at least those who move around), what they do (how they work, for example alternative cutscenes / "live" stories about the carclub members), how they look. make sure noone is without name or appearance and are placed on good positions! they should be more easily noticeable. and maybe going through the story.
231215: the govern men
adding custom EP2 dialogue for talk characters. they now say bad things about the car club members. because they're possessed by Mrs Superconductor who wants to spread bad rumors about the club so it starts self sabotaging itself. but if the talk characters are possessed by Mrs Superconductor, and if they WANT to say all these things, why are they scared of being shot by shelf... Hmmm????!! maybe it's reverse psychology to draw attention: "hah, you can't get me. look how fast i run!" and then shelf gets very eager to shoot them. yeah that's a good explanation FUCK what a good explanation that is.
now i need to go through my "problems" list, because it's too darn long.
231214: will do more of what i did yesterday. whatever that was.
i must figure out a way to store multiple files in the same folder. but then it will be 4 functions.js, 4 main.js, and so on... many files with almost identical names. and let's say i forgot to change a reference to functions4.js in main4.js, and it instead still points to functions3.js. the program/browser won't complain that it can't find the file, because it DOES find the file, but it is the wrong file. if you only have the needed files in the folder, you'll get a clear error when a file isn't found. but then, i have to change all references to files in "files/", and i don't want to. i don't want to copy the "files/" folder to another place either, because then these files can't be loaded from the browser's cache for people who have already played a previous episode. then it will be a 24MB download every time you go to a new episode. but maybe that's the best way after all. 24MB isn't that much and i have made my game to work in the harshest conditions even for first-time players. sometimes order defeats speed? then it will be a folder "2/", "3/" and "4/" for each episode, each identical to the main folder where episode 1 lies. but i'm still looking for a way to reuse cached files without creating a chaos.
TODAY: i created the function of shooting NPC characters with a shotgun to get them to talk to you. will develop this further tomorrow.
TOMORROW: go through a part of the story at a time
231213: if i don't have a better idea, i'll start finishing one part of the story, and then continue with the rest of the parts until i'm done. but maybe it's more fun to go through notes and vibe with the new flow. or go through my "comments"/"problems" list. either way will lead me to finishing EP2 in Jan 1st, because that's how i work, apparently. or, i'll go through my "... " notes!
måste göras NU: lägg över episode 1 i arbetsmappen för episode 2, testa hur de funkar tillsammans.
sedan när jag publicerar allt, skriv inte över något utan lägg bara till saker. GYLLENE PRINCIP?
tomorrow: add FPS during race?
231212: will go through notes, probably. and add some fun things. progress for EP2.
231211: writing things, adding fun things. environmental storytelling. notes.
all social media have slowly died for me. twitter died for me recently. youtube is dying for me now. and youtube was the last thing left. i'm finally free. collecting CDs seems to have been a good thing to start with. i've based all my music & entertainment input on youtube until now, so now i'll probably just stop watching things. i've probably listened to enough music.
231210: notes. filtering and merging ideas down into something that works. more thinking and less doing but in the end everything gets done. FPS, shooting characters.
231209: notes. i've many of'm
231208: notes.
writing on twitter made me rude. or like, i wrote with that slightly annoyed "tired of life" tone that's the norm over there. that's why i HAVE to write on my own platforms only. you won't have a personality if you are too much in groups, it's almost impossible to not adapt your behavior to behave like the group. there may be good groups, but twitter isn't one of them. it's hard to write in an uplifting and positive way on a forum that doesn't focus on creating curiosity. it won't fit in. it will be like trying to say something positive and constructive in a room full of politicians. it requires enormous effort to go against the group, and if they are more they will win, so you better move on to a better place. my imagined audience on this page, and on kbrecordzz.com, that may or may not exist, are interested in the same things that I am, and want to hear my true opinion and feeling about something, and they won't correct me if i use a wrong tone or if i'm wrong about something. they will let me be stupid and smart and everything in between, in emotions all over the scale.
231207: yesterday was the first time i forgot to write in this diary. today: going through notes. the project is in many ways done, even if it isn't done. so my pile of notes gets smaller and smaller. i can finally get inner peace.
my view on code is now pragmatism. it doesn't matter if the code is wrong if the outcome is correct. now i test my game in practice to see if it works, instead of trying to create logical rules to ensure it works.
231205: iPad. writing on the website.
231204: just being a dude
231203: collecting myself. marketing mygame.
231202: .
231201: publishing EPISODE 1
har tagit bort dvdmenu
har flyttat credits lite till höger för landscape (desktop), och ändrat font-size och width. har förminskat button_continue
ändrade 'epper cutscene
har ändrat camera_main fov near fr 0.1 t 2
la till top:25vh på leader för landscape (desktop).
har flyttat wrongway och count_ längre ner för landscape (desktop).
har flyttat wrongway och count_ längre ner för portrait. har flyttat wrongway mer till mitten
ändrade dgchill_open cutscene
ändrade dghotspring cutscene
Text (t.ex. för credits) blir alldeles för stor i game.php Brave men inte i portal
Stängde av invert, lade till pekande hand-mus där istälet, på alla tre layouter
dialog-val är lite nära varandra i portrait
la till ny limit fps för 70+ fps skärmar
.(läs igenom all text igen)
(menyer behöver testas på alla enheter)
.(testa alla 3 race:n i slutet, alla varv)
(UI wrongway och leader hamnar på samma plats som dialog - testa på alla enheter)
(stoppar musiken i talk-, dogert's SPRAY-, special cutscenes? hur blir musiken när man går tillbaka?)
.(testa paus, fullscr (på iphone??!), start, shelf-dialoger (invert?), kopiera save_text, osv, hur känns det?)
(.SPACE i portal, åker man ner på sidan? zoom in/out. filter-gif)
-testa musiksättning i början.
-kör igenom hela spelet, m hörlurar, cuts-övergångar. testa ipad m ljud, fullscreen i ipad
-kör auto-spelaren. om fel, rätta till och kör auto-spelaren igen, REPEAT, tills allt är klart.
-(testa itch på mobil)
231130: making race tracks clearer, FOR REAL. need to restructure the epper race without moving the start position or any other important points. need to put some houses to mark sharp turns, especially at one place in the dgtravel race. epper race has to be a bit boring because i can't find a way to add the big jump from the mountain without making incomprehensible turns in the race track that will confuse people. and it's to late to change everything to make it work.
231129: make race tracks clearer. make lime arrow character sprites for everyone
(and bug huntington...)
tomorrow: check music and everything. then release. check portal site.
231128: story flow: beginning. thinking of music. tomorrow: make race tracks more clear
should i buy notacarclub.se, thisisnotacarclub.com, notacarclub.kbz.se (I only buy kbz.se and can then make how many subdomains as I want in the future, kbz is abbreviation for kbrecordzz kind of), notacarclub.app or notacar.club? thisisnotacarclub.com is clear but too long. notacarclub.se only works in Sweden, same with notacarclub.kbz.se but it would be cheaper in the long run. notacarclub.app sounds scam:y. notacar.club has none of the above problems, but it's weird, but that makes it fun. it's either thisisnotacarclub.com or notacar.club. i also don't want thisisnotacarclub.com because i've used notacarclub without the "thisis" at many places. on the other hand, no one has played the game yet so i can easily change the "branding"... if thisisnotacarclub.com wasn't so long it would be perfect, clear and correct. maybe it isn't too long. notacar.club is easier to remember because it's shorter but harder to remember because there's no logic in putting the dot before "club". but maybe you remember it because it's so not logical. if you know the game's name, thisisnotacarclub.com is the first URL you would guess, even without knowing it. that may be the final vote. even if i love notacar.club because it's so cool. should i please the people or please me... but you know, i get pleased by pleasing the people? and the people get pleased if they see that i am happy with my stuff. so... i don't know. it's not too "sell:y" to be clear, right? thisisnotacarclub.com is the perfect URL for "selling" the game. but it's not like "yougottaseethisshit.com", THAT'S sell:y. thisisnotacarclub.com is just... good. like kbrecordzz.com. because i am kbrecordzz. yeah, thisisnotacarclub.com it is. ... OR, notacar.club. but since the URL is the first thing people see, i think i can't go for my weird jokes there. thisisnotacarclub.com IT IS!!!!!
all this is because notacarclub.kbrecordzz.com is too long... i'm sorry guys but it is.
tomorrow: music. how do i play and stop music predictably? then put music in all the right places. maybe even some of this today. AND!!! make lime arrow character sprites for everyone
after that: races. and mobile. then release.
231127: story flow: beginning. (from first meeting cutscene to when they arrive at 'epper land). tomorrow: intro+first race, until first meeting cutscene.
what do i do then? read previous diary entry
parallell task: i need to excel my vision or something. too much DOING leads to just doing the same thing over and over, even if no doing leads to nothing at all of course... I can't get stuck in my own brilliance, I need to evolve like a Pokemon. I'm only Charmander, even if that ain't too bad cousin
231126: story flow: beginning. the most important part...?
after that: fix the races. and the leaderboard. and the winner/loser ceremony after.
after that: bug testing and music/sound adding (i have to write it here so i get a grasp of the project before i finish it).
and, most importantly, everything should work on MOBILE first. i sometimes forget because i work on computer. YES I'M REPEATING MYSELF.
231125: story flow: epper land. tomorrow: beginning. all the way to when they enter 'epper land (after the muffins)
after that: bug testing and music/sound adding (i have to write it here so i get a grasp of the project before i finish it).
and, most importantly, everything should work on MOBILE first. i sometimes forget because i work on computer.
231124: fixing thangs, getting closer to EPISODE 1 (it will be really small, but new episodes will come more often)
story flow: i've checked MAGNETDAY. next: epper land.
231123: i think i very soon can say that my website is cookie free, because i've (almost) removed all embedded Youtube/Soundcloud/Twitter etc content. it's only my site and links now.
testing the flow of the story. how the different parts go together. i have checked the whole dark gandalf part (from RACE_DGTRAVEL, and at WASHING it starts to become weird). tomorrow, check MAGNETDAY and epper land. then saturday, check the beginning.
i think, tomorrow is time for automatic bug testing. Bug Huntington!
and, music & sound testing (and adding).
231122: planning the next year (early).
-mindre på internet, mer själv, mer ut i riktiga världen
-samarbeta med folk, synergieffekt och detaljer som jag inte hinner med
-mindre teknologi, mer underhållning och konst
i'm gonna fix more bugs and make the game WORK tonight (maybe fix roads so they're not confusing). then, put music in the game and make the story flow. then EPISODE 1 is done. EPISODE 2 will be better.
some things will have to wait to EPISODE 2 to be done. just too ambitious or complicated, and too little time and energy.
231121: fixed some more small (big) errors.
231120: thought about things.
231119: i made plans for my empire. and fixed some errors because i like to see my error list get smaller.
231118: making a 3D logo for the episode name
231117: claryfying things. and watching Wendy's instagram lives. and falling in love with Girls Generation's Yuri in an 80s look in a video that i don't want to look up the link for. tomorrow i will start to produce things again.
231116: came up with a character
231115: looking for songs (for 15 minutes)
231114: looking for songs
231113: looking for music. looking for people that DON'T talk and think like the top youtube comment. that have an OWN PERSONALITY.
231112: will try to make some music
231111: making website. i saw a hot woman at the central station. i love SM Entertainment and want to be like them (in my way). 3 important dates: today - is today. tomorrow - my free cinnamon bun coupon at Pressbyrån expires. 13th - Red Velvet releases their new album.
music for COMEDIC TIMING. sometimes my music is too goos for that.
231110: researching things. i freakin love Moonshine.
231109: going through my vast music archive. music can't be annoying. have to create the needed emotion and nothing else. when music doesn't fit, have no music. must have short loops that can be played forever without boring or annoying people. sometimes too many notes sound annoying, sometimes too simple sounds boring. high intensity music is good at intense moments but all moments can't be intense. so the least intense moments should have 0 music. music in a game isn't necessarily always in the foreground like pop music is.
measuring what takes time during the game's startup. it seems like i can't make it start faster now.
researching SM Entertainment. mostly Red Velvet's teaser videos. how can an ORGANIZATION make so good songs? maybe because they hire normal people with passion to do them. but how can an ORGANIZATION be so good at that? i need to learn.
231108: gotta read the filthy frank book.
developed the automatic player further.
bug hunter is on the hunt again.
i mean Bug Huntington.
i will release early version of EPISODE 1 tonight. the first version with the golden frame showing the episode name in the intro splash screen.
231107: fixing the "last" bugs. on an error hunt. i've learned to automatically play the game so i can replicate bugs and find their causes faster. bugs are disappearing, it feels nice. 1st episode will come soon. don't stay up waiting because you don't have to wait for much longer. 'epper 'epper. call me mr Bug Huntington. cause i hunt the bugs
thinking of how to technically and artistically divide stuff between the different episodes. because the game will be released as a continous series. should they be backwards- and forwards-compatible? should you be able to access the later episodes in the earlier episodes' game files, or do you have to switch to a new game webpage to get to a new episode? should the episode share files with each others? they really should, because then the files can be in the player's browser's cache and doesn't need to be downloaded twice. i'll probably make a big folder of all files, and never delete anything from it, and then each episode only downloads the files it wants. the absolutely most important thing here is to NEVER DELETE ANY FILES, because otherwise i could break old episodes.
BUG HUNTER. epper. dr scrubs
231106: once again thinking about the game's optimal form. maybe that's an unnecessary thing to do. what would lee soo-man do? he would cut Seulgi's bangs to make her "baby hairs" stand out. i wonder what that would represent in my world.
Dude, where's my car club?
making the save function stable and solid.
231105: fixing the portal.
writing sci-fi.
231104: thinking of what to do. fixing small things because i'm going to a party later.
got pressed to publish a new version by people at the party, so i did it. car club is going to use a white OCTAGON as logo
231103: portal. got snow back. minimizing code
i wonder what Red Velvet will drop with their coming album. so far they have shown their faces in videos. feels promising! it WILL be cool. even if they don't release anything new. it may be hard to spot on the surface, but Red Velvet may be the best we have.
231102: i turned on syntax highlighting in my code for the first time ever. fixing things. making it good.
published a new version of the game!
231101: random bug fixes
231031: kbrecordzz' font. planning on release the game as a series, with first episode at Dec 1st. time will tell how it actually will be released. everything that is GAME in my game will be removed and only a world and its people will be left. kind of.
kbrecordzz font will be THIS. i think. i like typewriter. i've done too much retro 90s gaming nostalgia, so now i use nostalgia from the 1800s instead. Old movie script kinda vibes.
i'm of the firm belief that trains use cocaine as fuel.
more synth
231030: NPCs start positions. i want my game to feel like exploring the world in pokemon. red velvet soon releases new music. a new era. i should make some big review on all their things, all songs, all music videos, all posters, all etc you get it. a rat ran towards me today.
231029: making my website work in Windows XP. maybe releasing new game version. bhagz
I want to make something at the level of Red Velvet. Or Scrubs. They're weird, but good. Another way to put it: They're weird, AND good. Or: They're weird, which makes them good. Another way to put it: Interesting, fun, creative and good, and only seen as weird because that's how groupthink culture sees things.
231028: character names and appearance
231027: character dialogue
PIGGS have really great songs.
231026: making music machine. old school stuff. but needs to get away from the old school sound. i'll sample cool sounds but make the music machine simple. DR SCRUBS
have minimized music and images when it comes to file size. both in the SAME DAY! DR SCRUBS!!!
231025: maybe my game will be a series. that continues forever. with 6 episodes per year, and a little break for christmas (for the viewers, i don't need a break).
writing about the tv series Dr Scrubs
made a music playing system. a sequencer? old school stuff but in a new school style. no more lo-fi mp3s to save space.
Toby Fox was a dude doing silly things at the computer, then he got famous, but he still just does silly things at the computer all day. something to aspire to become.
231024: learning about Chrome internet things
231023: midi
231022: releasing.
231021: NPCs. AND MORE.
231020: DogertDungeon. names and animals.
231019: more things, etc, etc, neverending hustle
231018: testing thangs #2. listening to Itoki Hana. learning about Scrubs. doing everything.
231017: testing thangs
231016: writing fun thangs
231015: once again: misc. tasks. SECOND HALF OF OCTOBER is starting. and you all know what that means.
This is an old image that Sachiko Mili made for me at the project's start (I have purple-ized it too). Then the project changed and the image made no sense anymore (it became just a crazy image of cows and space and math formulas). But it's so cool that I decided that it's once again the official image for the whole game.
231014: misc. the solution to confusing roads in race seems to be to place houses to prevent you from going the wrong way. simple, but it took some months to realize.
How can Netflix not support Firefox on Linux and Android? Playing video is supported on all web browsers by default. And Firefox can do it. It's like Netflix made their site TOO good for Firefox.
231013: writing and making
231012: writing science fiction
231011: mysterium
231010: different dialogue depending on when and where. realizing now that all inhabitants of my game world kinda hates the player. don't know if good or bad. Realizing, that as I evolve my characters personalities, their grammar gets better.
231009: working on shelf's character. because i'm adding answer options. recreating doom because. great pistol sounds.
231008: releasing version, starting on new. now the player can choose which dialogue to say.
231007: had to remove morning fog for sake of simplicity. or, to get things to work at all.
LOCKING things.
Layout: up until now i've tried to make the layout work for all devices. i've made specialized layouts that change depending on screen size etc. but now i make a device and screen independent layout that just looks good. it is always 4:3 and that's how this game IS. DOT.
enough with SQL. most unpractical language. kbrecordzz bitchfile is the new thing.
231006: tricky design questions. how do i get everything to fit on all screens and also look good, and also without removing things on the smaller screens. and also use the same layout everywhere. and also not make things look too big on desktop because they have to be big on mobile, and vice versa. make everything work everywhere without creating special-cases for different devices/places. i am shigeru miyamoto #2.
the game is in 4:3 now, always. got tired of all the messiness. this is timeless. now it feels more like a movie and less like you're there. don't know if it's good or bad but that's what it'll be.
231005: fixed a bug
231004: removing things and preparing for release
231003: major bug was just that I put "z" instead of "x" at ONE place. "problem" now: every new problem needs a fix, and the fix brings two new problems. if this continues i'll NEVER get done. so i have to fix all things in a GOOD way that don't add ONE SINGLE PROBLEM. so the game can be finished. game game game finish finish finish. polishing writing. IMPORTANT! polishing does not mean i'm making it more polish, that would be absurd. creating name and appearance for all NPCs.
231002: fewer roadlights (they were too many). you can now move INSIDE the pause menu world. nobody likes my ideas so i'm hiding from people a couple of months so i can focus on them. people always ask "why? why not do it this established way instead? why try? it's hard to try!" doing everything myself seems to be faster, even if i don't know anything. the 10 minutes you spent asking "why?" i learned something instead. created something. did something at all. produced something. i got the answers and not you because i do all those things. anyone claiming anything else is gaslighting. or maybe they're positive towards my ideas but paint me as a freak (in a positive way). like "i'm impressed by your confidence!" like i'm unsual for being creative and believing in myself. wow, such weird strange traits?! tired of it. i'm normal, you're not.
231001: fog. fixing everything. speeding up UV. can't believe how simple my function for creating (pseudo)random numbers are. multiply a value, like the current position or the current time or something, by 29.197483 and take the result's decimals (will always be a value between 0 and 1). everything that is random in my game but has to be random in the same way at the same time for every playthrough, uses this. 29.197483 is the magic number that isn't magic at all.
September 2023