September 2023
230831: coming up with characters
230830: more minecraft, and coming up with characters. listening to sailor moon music
230829: more minecraft
230828: minecraft
out of all companies official vision statements, YG Entertainment's "vibe with the new flow" is the best.
230827: creating worlds with my new "minecraft" tool
230826: creating world editor (= creating Minecraft in This Is (NOT!) A Car Club)
230825: improving graphics. making the game's lowest standard higher. trying to think of what to do.
230824: making big strokes like a philosopher. also: starting to get tired of everyone on the internet only being able to talk about things in video game terms ("this is like a side quest IRL!!" No. It's life, it's a part of life. Life isn't like side quests, side quests are like life. And so on.).
230823: getting mad insights from reading shigeru miyamoto interview summaries
230822: today i'm reading summaries of all interviews with Shigeru Miyamoto. his job title today is "creative fellow". that's the kind of place i want to be in.
230821: taking a few days break from the game
jun togawa videos keep disappearing from youtube, so i guess i, as her biggest fan, have to be the main jun togawa hoarder of the internet. now my top 40 jun togawa moments list contains less broken links once again
Yesterday i listened to some "interesting facts" about The legend of Zelda - Majora's mask, and got inspired to make something dark. Or mystical.
230820: trying to update the racing game
230819: put my two games on a presentation page, whatever that is good for: here
230818: more race
230817: making race
released a racing game as a "small subset" of the whole game. to force myself to finish the racing stuff. and because it is probably the best racing game on (when i fix some errors and small issues). This Is (NOT!) A Car Club - RACING
230816: gonna check mobile performance today. amongst other things
230815: publishing the game today, no matter if you want it or not (that means: publicly talking about it. it's already published on since long).
230814: found old notes. going through them now because there are bad ideas from the past there that become good ideas with my new knowledge. also found a really cool site: search images by color combinations
I also decided that I'm now LOCKING the "cut" values in my game (the value that decides where you are in the story). The game IS published so if anyone plays it, saves and comes back another time, that persons' saved cut value can't have a new meaning, it must mean what it meant the last time they played. So from now on, if I want to add a huge story part in between two existing story parts, and there are no cut values left in between them, I can't add it. Or I'll have to solve it in some way without changing existing cut values (the cut values HAVE to be in order though because they decide if you're in the BRIGHT part 1 of the game or in the DARK part 2. so... yes. LOCKED!!!!).
remember when the game looked like this? of coursen't, because i never published it (also here's an end note before I leave this diary entry: I listened to all Hopsin albums today):

Game is not linear anymore so I have to test it in new ways. From all directions. Like reading a book backwards to avoid getting bored, and to get new perspectives, ideas and discover new things. And then just HOPE everything I haven't tested also works in some magical way.
I should focus on securing that the game works by making the systems so solid that I don't have to worry that they break somewhere unexpectedly. Understand the game's physics 100%, because I am the game's god. All driving and racing and items can be done this way. But, events have to be tested specifically.
A lot of events could be secured by generating and checking the code with my own PHP tools, then I can make sure the code is correct (as long as the PHP tools are corrected, but they have much less code the check so it will be easier!).
I published the game for the first time in forever. I have no idea if it works or not, and hopefully this stress of having a potentially broken game online will force me to test the game.
Removed a part of the save URL because 4 parameters looked unclean. So I had to remove the functionality that used that parameter, which was a value determining your "s(h)elf esteem", and gives you a cooler car the higher your value. And I made a pimp my ride function where you use the number keys to change your car, that doesn't get saved when you exit the game, and it was much better. I added the "dark second half" of the game, which just is less light and maglev rails instead of car roads.
230811: reduced memory usage. and listened to dreamcatcher
trying to widen my "network". music people are really unbearable, they only promote themselves and never talk about anything. but i want to connect to creative people outside the technical communities i'm in. like people who do ambitious projects and are interested in surprising and changing the world with cool art and entertainment. if there was a community where all CEO:s for all K-pop company was a member, I would want to join that one. The CEO:s, and me. Also, I listened to Hopsin. Gotta check out all his music videos, except the asian massage stereotype one.
230809: adding things to the WORLD (the game world). Sunday there will be a REAL version of the game. If not: chase me with a frying pan through the city
230808: remade two areas (Dogert Hill and Magnet Island)
jag drömde att $ATSUKI hade en privat konsert för mig. eller något. det var nog flera där. hon märkte att jag gillade hennes konsert för jag log konstant, så hon gjorde gester mot mig, och blev till slut nästan närgången. DÅ vaknade jag.
hästar har evolutionerat fram att dela upp sig i små bitar, för att kunna fly från hagar
otroligt hur annorlunda spel-soundtrack är från vanlig musik. det ska inte ta över din själ. svårt att hålla tillbaka min hitproduktionsmaskin. musiken ska vara händelselös men varierad, den ska inte vara tät med tryck, och den ska vara lyssningsbar i en timme framåt. kombinera detta med mina tekniska krav att låtar inte ska vara längre än en minut för att inte ta lång tid att ladda ner i mitt webbspel. hur får man 1 minuts musik att bli intressant i en timme? utan att också bli helt galet ihoptryckt av varierad information?
försöker passa en känsla istället för att göra något bra. i mitt fall med spelet blir det oftare ROLIG musik istället för BRA. även fast jag KAN göra BRA (lovar).
letar konstiga ljud på freesound. bra ljud skapar inga bra låtar för det blir för tråkigt. konstiga dåliga ljud blir något bra om man kombinerar dem på rätt sätt.
230806: soundtrack & vibez
230805: wrote some things
230804: same
230803: mo weapons
230802: weapons
music makes it feel like a fairy tale but i want it to feel real. too many lead instruments take focus from the world. so i keep it SIMPLE and let the game do what the music doesn't. music only at POWERFUL SITUATIONS which will make them even more powerful.
During a vulnerable moment I got a crush on 40% of EXID. But now I know better. ("How stupid little dumb dumb stop now" (EXID - DDD)).
maybe this is the funkiest song ever Don't Push
July 2023