Golden emails
240229: learning about DNS. how the heck can all computers in the world know about my DNS settings in 1 second????? HOW THE HECK. answer: it's because they ask about it as soon as someone ask about it. they aren't constantly looking up all domain names in the whole world. i think.
made my DNS server more stable. now my domain names will continue to work even if my DNS server goes down.
240228: GeoDNS (building my own CDN). my next year starts now, kind of, i think.
marketing my game
Magnus Ekelund & Stålet? YES!
240227: thinking about what i should learn today.
i'm learning about networks in sweden today. but it's impossible to understand and they won't tell me
making a "DNS switch" (my own term)
thinking of how to make money. on my game, and on my internet stuff. that's this year's goal
marketing the game. i need to give it that "schwung" to make it stick in people's conciousness!
coolest map i've ever seen: MAP
240226: made portal page even more uniform. now it even works. DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE ACTUAL GAMES, EVEN IF IT WOULD MAKE THEM BETTER! finished is finished. big audio glitch can be fixed but nothing more.
learning more about Swedish networks. what machines and devices are needed for a fibre network to actually push the internet through it. planning on chasing some mobile towers later.
reviewing what was good in last project and planning next projekt. OBS! i have to actually revisit the old project in a pretty far future to actually know this. but there isn't time for this. so i have to do some of the planning mid-next project so i don't do the wrong things. i don't have the correct retrospective on my last project right now, because it was so recent. i can get feedback from other people (which i will get, because i will market my last project more while i work on the next project), but it's not as good as feedback from myself. they know what's wrong, i know how to fix it.
figuring out how to do multiple things at once. for that i need other people, but i can't ask someone to do something i don't know how to do myself. so i can only ask people for help with the things i'm very good at. so while i do that i'll have free time to learn more things so i become an expert on other things that i can ask people for help with later (but first i need to become expert), and i also have to put time on the things that absolutely need my personal touch. like writing, comedy, design choices, music choices. no one but me can have my personal touch.
240225: learning about Swedish networks
made game's portal page more uniform. hope i didn't break anything
240224: learning about 3G
240223: learning where mobile towers are. realizing my own album from 2019 is my favorite album. Also, "Georgeous" by Kanye West is the best song in the world.
240222: learning about "editing". reading toxic book.
240221: moving my low-priority websites to my own server to save 4000kr per year.
added "VHS" filter to episode 2 and 3 of my game (episode 1 already had it). there are some problems with it but the aesthetic increase is worth it. it's a 1% effort that gives 150% results. and it removes parts of the "game:y" feeling that the game gives.
this year i'm becoming a DIRECTOR. ? and taking over the world maybe, but for that i can't do it myself
240220: moving the game to Neocities. because faster access for the "rest of the world"!
240219: failed experiments make you learn things. wrote on the website. will try to make a cheaper web server through software. i also want to learn how the world works, what things cost and how to take power over my physical surroundings (buy land, a house, and negotiate with business people? not now). making spagette
240218: game now downloads only 70 image/sound files at start instead of 300. because sounds are now loaded dynamically when needed instead of all at the start. this means that the game starts even faster. with these two fixes, and by switching the game to be hosted on Neocities, third-world countries can finally enjoy This Is (NOT!) A Car Club.
240217: game now downloads 150 image/sound files at start instead of 300 (NPC characters' images load dynamically when they're needed instead of all at the beginning). this means that the game starts faster.
now will be faster, because images (which take the longest to download) will get downloaded from Neocities CDN instead of my web server in Sweden. And Neocities has web servers all around the globe, or at least in North America, Europe, East Asia and Australia. if you're in South America or Africa might instead get SLOWER, because you have to download the site from two different far-away web servers (mine in Sweden, and one of the Neocities servers) from two different places. i don't know how to fix this, and maybe i won't. i still think it's worth it that most people will download my site faster. or is it really most people? maybe i should think this through more. the countries that will benefit from this are ones with already good internet speeds. i don't think it's worth it that South America and Africa will suffer from this (they've suffered enough). i don't have a good solution for this yet. because i won't move the whole site to Neocities CDN because just, no. moving the whole game to Neocities is worth it, because it will get faster for everyone except Sweden, but that's not a big loss for me or for the Swedes. and moving the sites would be worth it if it wasn't for that it's impossible at the current state and i wouldn't like editing the site in Neocities' HTML editor or use their API.
game is now available at and too.
240216: fixed the game so it works on Neocities. with some more testing, i could move it to there and make it fastly accessible from the whole wide world!
240215: email is a bad protocol/interface and impossible to use (yes, it's intentionally made impossible) if you aren't a big organization. if you send emails they won't end up at the receiver. that's a sign of a bad technology. you know, when what's supposed to work doesn't work. that's not a technology, that's just nothing. everything else works better than email. there must be a protocol where the receiver and sender agree on sending things to each other, and then EVERY SINGLE message will come through. that's the only decent way to do it. right now, the app "Notify My Device" works for that. it's complicated, but there seems to be no native/built-in way to do this in phones or computers.
learning about underwater fiber cables
uploaded EP3 to now you can play it bitches!!
240214: game is on neocities. will soon load fast for the whole world and not just sweden.
240213: hustling. coming up with prices for shit. i've happened to invest in cheap and useful things that happen to let me do things that people desire for a low cost, which i could charge very little for and still make a profit from. BrowserStack can't justify the prices they have. but of course they want to be a big company and then you have to be clunky too (have employees and offices etc that make your stuff more expensive to run which means you have to charge more for your stuff). on top of that, they overprice too. i can do what they do with my cheap stuff, and it will still be cheap for people even if i overprice a lot!
some people have played through whole episodes of my game. that means it works.
240212: testing website speed from different locations, comparing the Bahnhof server in Stockholm to Neocities CDN. seems like I'll be putting my game on Neocities, it's too good not to do it.
240211: is now up. made an uptime monitor.
240210: it's finished. publishing. so. now EP3 is out and everything is done. B
240209: i've been finishing for pretty many days now. but it feels like today is the day.
240208: finishing, then letting go
240207: ikväll - fixa landmarks för fabriken. gör klart slutet, sätt ihop allt med pacing + outro. släpp!
fredag - spela igen, korrekturläs, fixa. släpp igen om det behövs.
240206: actually finishing the FUCKING THING
in hustle mode. selling things online
skriva klart allt till slutet idag.
korrekturläsa imorgon. släppa imorgon.
sedan ser vi. kolla "!!"-kommentarer, anteckningar och golden emails på onsdag.
created a donation page
240204: now there are 8 posts on start page instead of 15. so site loads faster.
made game all the way to before they knock on mrs superconductor's door. now fix the rest. only stuff left to do will ever be in "govern men 3" note, NOWHERE ELSE! AND ALL OF THAT MUST BE DONE!
made 3d cover image for posts. that could be a thing. let's see tomorrow if i hate it or haten't
made a demo
240203: polishing writing. tomorrow: music
240202: making it finish #2.
finally programmed myself out of SQL. now i can focus on writing for my website and not programming for it.
made a change to my website, now texts don't have the day in the URL (/2024/02/02), because it sucked. i had to make the change, even if i hate the fact that texts now have different URL styles depending on when they were uploaded. it will be worth it.
240201: finishing today. that means GAME will be playable from start to end. but it won't be good. that's for the weekend.
BLAOW! kbrecordzz out
gör en snygg kopiering av spelet till sent ikväll.
först, kolla länkar, kan finnas vissa som inte går till rätt startcut och -chunk, osv.
och lägg till länk till EP3 på EP1 och EP2, osv.
so, now it's published. you can play the game all the way to before the last race. last race will come tomorrow. then good game will come in weekend.
240131: doing the rest again. the rest that's left
today: hårassfan fight -> o'malley is back -> race CUP
tomorrow: race CUP -> magnet factory travel. and then the whole magnet factory part and ending. it just HAS TO WORK!
tomorrow it will be finished (ha ha ha) and published. with emphasis on PUBLISHED and a removed emphasis (or a tiny little emphasis) on FINISHED.
240130: the rest
*today: 'epper fair -> gas station -> hårassfan fight
*tomorrow: fix hårassfan fight, how it should end. then, omalley return and meeting and CUP! all the way to the travel to magnet island.
*thursday: fix travel to magnet island -> END. it will be hard but it must work. i must publish. THURSDAY: game needs to be playable from start to end. or, it needs to be publish:able. because i'll publish it.
240129: creating the things that don't exist yet, or removing them. then i have everything so i can check if everything is good. and so on... notes are in other places...
today: start -> 'epper fair
tomorrow: 'epper fair antique ornaments, and further
thursday, game needs to be playable from start to end. or, it needs to be publish:able. because i'll publish it.
240128: making game.
need to play through it today and fix everything
play through it manually, tonight!
monday: fix the start. play through, rewrite, chaos monkey
tuesday: fix govern men (play with music), pacing pauses etc
wednesday: ? finish maybe
240127: fixing it
SVINERI_1 ny position i 'epper land. sätt ut auction-grejer (pointsprites_aker, flytta den!)
gör funktion för att åka in i dem med viss fart. (och skjuta dem? kanske)
lägg in hårassfan och dess olika cutscenes (kanske bara en, och en lång vildsinn fight över olika ställen i 'epper land?) i svineri.
lägg till mer grej? kanske inte har någon mer. bara åk runt och säg sjuka grejer. lång färd med cool musik istället. kanske samma pointsprites_aker köra in i grejer hos stefano di pripedi? de kanske just ska starta upp igen (talk)
Beppe (hårassfan) ny head-bild
FREEROAM_GASSTATION goals verkar vara satta konstigt. "time for meeting"? nja
acknowledg:a TYDLIGT att du är 'epper! i en cutscene direkt efter, sedan ser man att du är det. ni kanske pratar om det lite mer, men subtilt tydligt.
IMORGON måste jag göra gameplay:et i magnet factory och hela skiten där, till rings! then, run through the whole game manually and fix it.
måndag, rings och ending.
240126: cup
tomorrow: killepper
then: svineri something. whatever is left to be done. something fun, so it gets done at all. everything has to be done so everything has to be fun.
fr.o.m. 27:e måste jag göra korrekturläsning många gånger av hela storyn (och genomkörningen måste funka HELT fr start t slut för det), så att jag får en helhetskänsla för storyn, ihop med EP1 o EP2 också.
240125: fixing the magnet area (new area for EP3)
idag: lägg in 'epper land NPCs, the 'epper is BEST fair
tomorrow: don't know, i'll probably do something. add the CUP at a PLACE.
i think about and talk about this song often, The Boys by Girls' Generation is the most boss:y song. i listen to it and become a BOSS.
240124: TODAY: svineri
tomorrow: epper bomb
friday: cup
240123: playing Zelda - Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo Switch on the bus.
need to figure out how to have a small computer running at all times in my computer. i'll probably put it on a steel table to not become a fire risk. it's as small as a smartphone and doesn't give noise. then i can create a web server at home. i don't NEED one right now, but it sounds too fun to not do. i could get everything up and running and compare uptime and performance with my real server that I host on a hosting service. if it's better or as good, it will be cheaper to run it at home. and if i just do stuff with it, i'll learn stuff and it'll lead to things. i'll probably figure out some stuff and realize that what the server providers do isn't actually that diffucult or that expensive. that's expertise that i just want to have.
uptime won't be better at home because i don't have the infrastructure that my server provider has. but i could get it? they probably have reserv power to use when there's electricity outage. i had electricity outage for 2 hours yesterday. with a server at home, that would remove my website. maybe i can have a portable electricity "thing"? (my computer only needs a mobile charger for electricity, there must be some kind of power bank for this?) and also connect it to my mobile wifi, or to 4G in some way, because my router goes down if electricity goes down. this is worth thinking more about.
picking up my iphone today.
FOR THE GAME: do stuff
i got my home server working! on my way to remove 400kr from my monthly payments
240122: got my "website down notifier" working. now i get notified when my website goes down with 1 minute notice instead of 15. next step is to notify me when the new notifying server goes down. because a silent notifier could either be a sign of my website not going down, or the notifier not working. two notifiers need to keep track of each other. for this, i need to learn how to create web servers from scratch. like, how to let the internet know that this single computer wants to part of your whole thing, not only as a consumer but also as a producer.
rewrote NPC dialogues to be more fun
TOMORROW: hårass fan, gasstation, svineri in general
240121: seeing what works in Internet Explorer. if it works there, it works everywhere. because backwards compatibility? no, because i don't use abandoned functions, i just see what works both now and in the past, because those things will also work in the future, is my philosophy. and on iphone? maybe. or maybe that's a completely different beast.
slowly bringing back the game to Neocities. because this how long it takes to load a website from different places, compared if the website is on my server, if it's a page on, or if it's on neocities:
Singapore | 186 ms | 171 ms | 1 ms
Brazil | 221 ms | 183 ms | 114 ms
Virginia | 93 ms | 63 ms | 7 ms
California | 205 ms | 2 ms | 2 ms
Ireland | 40 ms | 137 ms | 17 ms
Australia | 295 ms | 169 ms | 93 ms
obviously,'s and neocities's servers are in california, and mine is in europe. you see how it's slower the further away you are from the server when it comes to my server and but neocities is reasonably faster at most places, because they have multiple servers around the world where you always use the closest one (CDN/Anycast/something). still a bit slower in brazil and australia, probably because none of neocities' many servers are very close to these places. i don't want to use cloudflare and neocities is as good as it gets, and maybe they'll also install more servers around the world with time, who knows?
here are neocities servers. they have also said in a mail to me that there is one in Sweden too.
TOMORROW: svineri. then continue through all parts during the whole week. much thinking so everything becomes right. then just do it.
today: all ideas/things/shit needs to either go to the next project, or be tossed into the trash. i can't really add more to the game right now. soon done with everything.
new lowest bar for how beautiful things should be (this means it's really beautiful and i want nothing less beautiful than it): Jessica Jung - WONDERLAND
240120: bought an iPhone
240119: need to do design choices for Svineri. i have all the ideas. it's probably not that hard to implement them. just choose the right things in the right order, and make it work in the story in a clear way, without plotholes.
1. Shelf's dressed like 'Epper, and they realize they rule 'Epper Land. Everybody worships 'Epper there, and you start to misuse it. Maybe you learn about your power because someone comes to you and starts fan:ing you with a big leaf. "My master! My master! Thanks for making 'Epper Land such a good place to live!" Then you add 1+1 and starts becoming jerks. "Yes of course. It's good because I, THE ALMIGHTY 'EPPER, has built this. Now, go get me some chicken nuggets from the Pripedi restaurant!" And you realize it works. This has to be a cutscene. Then Adele says, hey, we can do whatever we want now, right? And you all laugh and decide to be assholes to everyone in 'Epper Land. then timescene where someone says "hey, let's go do this!" and then you do it.
2. the auction (FPS shoot items)
3. you piss in the restaurant (pee raycast, test if it's good)
4. you throw trash everywhere on the ground (new idea, don't know how to implement)
5. Hårass fan appears, FIGHT! (FPS duel, i have the code, just make it fun)
6. you go to Haftlan to steal things from the gas station, but the store clerk makes you realize you've become corrupt by fake powers. 'Epper is not as loved in Haftlan, and you realize you have to continue with your ACTUAL plan (use the 'Epper disguise to lure yourself into the magnet factory and kill Magnet Cat Bitch.
240118: ping pong link
TOMORROW: the race cup. where in the story should it be placed? before the magnet factory? what's the context of it, is it mrs s that challenges you, or is it disconnected from the heavy story for some fun?
whatever, i made the basic cup functionality today. GarkPark runs the cup. he does it because you have to practice before you come to mrs superconductor. GarkPark left the dark side (mrs superconductor) and now wants to help you become strong to defeat the cat bitch.
NEW TOMORROW: Svineri. what happens after svineri? you remember that you had a plan to pursue and stop fooling around and annoying people. that's when GarkPark comes? or something. he hears about your plans because he's hiding in a bush right behind you, of course. then he introduces the cup.
THE STORY MUST HAVE COHERENCE and not just be a weird mess of fun!! GarkPark must have his storyline, otherwise it's confusing. or maybe, o'malley comes back from having been brainwashed by mrs s in last episode. he realized he was being brainwashed, and he also realized how FUCKING INSANELY GOOD mrs s is at driving "car" (=train). so now he starts a cup to help you practice to defeat her. o'malley hiding in a bush is also "canon" in this universe. pretty much everyone have the personality to sometime be able to hide in a bush without it being way too weird. this is better storyline-wise. i must develop the o'malley coming back storyline. he shouldn't just come back like nothing.
maybe in the beginning there's a cutscene where mrs s tells her plans to o'malley, and he agrees, but he slowly starts to disagree more and more because he realizes he's being brainwashed? maybe this can be divided into 2 cutscenes at different moments. where?? THIS is something to think about tomorrow.
i also have to develop the 'epper storyline. you bomb him in the start of the episode. what happens with him after that? is it very clear why you do that?
maybe in the cutscene, mrs s talks with o'malley and hårass, and tells her plans, and 'epper is also there, worshiping Mrs Superconductor intensely. so then it's clear what happens.
the 'Epper president thing is unclear. inget tidigare i storyn har indikerat att han är dyrkad eller uppsatt, förutom inuti hans eget blåa land. och där finns inga människor. det funkar inte att bara nämna det i en replik, man kanske skummar förbi den snabbt, det måste kännas i hela världen och storyn naturligt. så då måste svineriet ske i 'epper land. kanske är stefano di pripedo och den andre där, fisken, is-statyn, haren, och några nya invånare där. de dyrkar uppenbarligen 'epper. kanske har den lilla tomten kommit dit för att ställa ut alla sina 1000 antika ornament. du är 'epper och styr över det landet, så du får göra vad du vill (t.ex. förstöra dem). HAHAHA! sedan är hårass fan där, så ni får ha duell. ni kanske åker och pissar i stefano pripedo's fritös. och bara häller ut olja och skräp på marken i 'epper land i allmänhet. för det är KUL MED MAKT! haha! tydlig COHERENCE i storyn här! sedan får ni över-självförtroende och åker över till bensinstationen i haftlan (väg?) och svinar er där, även fast det inte är 'epper land. suck... kanske steg maktgalenheten oss över huvudet... hade vi inte en plan att genomföra?!
so, NEW NEW TOMORROW: the o'malley storyline. the 'epper storyline. how it connects to Svineri. then Svineri (se note) -> cup
the day after that: KILLEPPER
GENERELLT SETT: jobba mer på storyn och hur den sitter ihop totalt. inte bara de enskilda delarna. inte bara en tredjedel av avsnittet. och inte bara hela avsnittet utan det måste sitta ihop med HELA SPELET, alltså alla 3 AVSNITT!
240117: polish cow AI generation
listening to maybe the best guitar? (Ozzy Osbourne Randy Rhoads link)
made RSS feed for website
made tools faster, and clearer. colored links are clear and obvious.
TOMORROW: quiz, and where should i place the cup?
240116: design is about making the right choices.
so I do few things, but the right things, right now.
today: the rings race, and the ending after, and how it cuts to the epilogue. and maybe the intro to the rings race, how they get there, what happens before. what happens before? are they at the magnet factory? and they go through the dimension tunnel to come to the planet with rings around it? what happens? they have just done the quiz (what happens if you don't win the quiz? - maybe you get to retake it. or you have to shoot mrs s in a FPS fight, or you have to sneak around something.), and mrs s has no other choice than to invite you to the race. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! well up there, mrs s sees polish cow for the first time (she has just heard his voice earlier but didn't recognize it was him). love montage - what's the scenes for this?
TOMORROW: quiz, and the other last challenges at the magnet factory. after that, the travel to magnet factory, cutscene, getting past the guards (what happens before all this? SVINERI?)
this is now my favorite song. Taeyeon is smooth. Taeyeon - I Got Love
but Jessica from Girls' Generation, I like you BECAUSE you are the ice princess?! i named my 2-dimensional note tool after you ("iceprincess"), even if jun togawa is the background image. i'm on the hunt after looks where Jessica looks like an actual princess, because it looks cool.
240115: made the epilogue.
tomorrow: ENDING, right after the rings race. and maybe the rings race.
240114: thinking intensely and 4-dimensionally
humbling to realize how bad i am at moments
in the end of the project, i don't have to do much, i just have to know EXACTLY which few things i need to do
FOCUS ON: feeling of the story. and NPCs. start with the last part (ending) and continue until done with whole - i have to first create the parts then polish them, this is more than before. AND don't half-ass it. reading through notes again at the end will make me not miss details and stuff.
240113: 2-dimensional notes app, to fit project thoughts:
but we probably think 3-dimensional, or more
240112: project
learned code. structured code. removed sprites so it goes faster to load game (RISKY!)
code was too wacky and untested in EP2, want more stable in EP3. best is to remove things, second best reuse / copy things, third best (worst) make new things. The best selection of EP1 and EP2 is EP3, with nothing new added except story. Keep it simple while programming! (like my article)
and lack of project overview because tired of it after month before's immense work on project.
new approach. loading code and project into my head.
do as much effort on EP3 as i did on EP1. with the experience that I've gained since. don't half-ass it, don't become lazy
i reduzed file sizes (didn't do that for the last release).
kolla ",,," i koden
240111: will do cutscenes.
reading about 3D: here
will make my own shaders to be able to add more details in the world while keeping good performance (for the next project).
thrusting myself right into EPISODE 3.
tor: cinematics
fre: landmarks
lör: finslipa magnet island
sön: finslipa factory och specialställen. vilka? bestäm innan!
240110: didn't do cutscenes
today: tools, C. break from game. tomorrow: cutscene, EP3 until month's end with some lame pause in the middle probably.
comment to my "Inspirations" yesterday. after being inspired, strive to be someone who inspires others in similar and unsimilar ways.
240109: tonight i will do cutscenes because it's fun.
and maybe create landmarks for areas (so it looks better!! it looks shit! i need cozyness and adventure and feeling and a sense of the story and not just a diorama that you run through that is obviously created by a computer!)
cinematics birds environment shots huff n puff
programming goals 2024:
- make game work on IE - remove const let class, URL, säkert mer
- tools in C on web server instead of PHP to make them faster
- develop existing tools to create more things easier (and faster) - make my version of what video editing programs are to movie creators
- (maybe... remove object-oriented stuff to make game or other thing faster)
Nick Robinson inspired me to make good stories
Eskil Steenberg inspired me to be smart
(I will try to infuse these two into my texts)
Bubzia inspired me to be dedicated
Steve Jobs inspired me to be optimistic and ambitious
(I will infuse these two to my game project)
(recent inspirations)
240108: website
testing new ideas
240107: forgot to write yesterday. today
240105: thinking of future things. writing NEW fun things. channeling my inner Daniel Norberg (= denying my own mortality).
240104: releasing again.
bug huntington och linjärt på mobil (testa UI där också)
och chaos monkey i en massa webbläsarfönster
sedan: kör igenom hela spelet på ipad (både EP1 och EP2), del för del så att jag också testar sparfunktionen. i portalen
lägg upp på itch sedan
kolla: layout, UI, knappar
en sak att kolla: kolla så att cz kör rätt antal varv och inte typ ett för lite eller ett för mycket. bara en snabb enskild koll på båda race:n! SVAR: de andra kör ett varv för mycket!
en annan sak att kolla: alla talk-karaktärer som inte är med i talk.php. och göra kod för att kontrollera alla alt-cutscenes, ändå? eller leta upp alla, men då måste jag leta upp alla!
några småsaker att kolla: stäng av washing machines under _FLOATIES osv
240102: releasing it AGAIN. need to develop my tools for testing the game, and give it 2 extra days before the final final FINAL release.
240101: finishing, releasing.
October - December 2023