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Category Archives: 2000s

Yumi Nakashima (of GO!GO!7188 and chirinuruwowaka) is a consistent songwriter

“GO!GO!7188” was a Japanese band active between 1998 and 2012, with music varying between different styles of rock, punk and pop. Most of the music was written by Yumi Nakashima, now active in the indie rock band “chirinuruwowaka” (“???????”) and the more experimental project “YAYYAY […]

The timelessness of Lee Jung Hyun

Even though the album “007” by Lee Jung Hyun starts off with 3-4 loud gun shots followed by Lee Jung Hyun whispering “bad boy…”, it isn’t as unique and crazy as her earlier works. It’s great pop with great hooks (“dididididi it girl, daradada dadada, dididididi it girl…”) that’ […]

The mystery of Lee Jung Hyun’s “pinky mic”

It’s time to talk about Lee Jung Hyun’s “pinky mic“. A great mic. But has she ever used it? It’s obviously a stage prop, but in the small extent it is spoken about on the internet, it’s spoken about like it’s a real mic. So, is it real? Is it fake? Is it partly realfake? It really does […]

A quick look at “I <3 Natural” by Lee Jung Hyun (2002)

“I ? Natural” is one of the more straightforward and clear albums from the legendary K-pop star Lee Jung Hyun. Even though the unclear “wildlife” theme confuses a bit. Everything’s either brown or toned-down, which doesn’t at all align with the music, that is her usual colorful and power […]

Listening to Lee Jung Hyun’s nameless second album (“II”? “Peace”? “Nuh?”)

This album from 2000 by the K-pop legend Lee Jung Hyun is so conceptional and still it doesn’t have a clear concept. Because there’s too many of them. And what is the album called? “Peace”? “Lee Jung Hyun II?” “Nuh”? I don’t know. Listen to the whole album on Youtube! The song “? […]

I Accidentally Promised Myself to Listen to All Songs by The Decemberists

I promised myself to listen through The Decemberists’ whole discography – I had no idea who they were, I just chose a band by random on a list – and it didn’t start off easy. I was about to go through a dense wall of folk guitars, a mission few before had done. It seemed impossible, but I ha […]

Throwback: The Pink Panda

Why am I so obsessed with The Pink Panda? They’re cool, but not extraordinary in any way. A poppy and accessible punk rock band, that didn’t get very famous and only released a few independent records in the mid-2000s. But something about the total charm of the individual members is irresistible […]

Kid Rock has always been the same damn guy

Kid Rock always shifts style but is still always the same damn guy. He has gone from hiphop to country via rock – from 80s rap kid to western cowboy – for the last 30 years, without making any sharp turns, a transition I didn’t know was possible. The genres seems to change to fit his age and m […]

Ungdumshälsan – 8 anledningar att hata ett band (recension & reflektion)

Albumet “8 anledningar att hata ett band” av underground-hiphop-duon Ungdumshälsan (bestående av Organismen & Öris) innehåller våld och mord (“det är en hårfin gräns mellan oliktänkande och döda”), förvirrande liknelser (“du är jag när vi två ligger o myser“), mer våldsdr […]

Deep dive: Toby Keith

I remember him from Swedish television, late 00s. He refused to look up from under his hat, and got verbally attacked by Swedish comedian Sissela Kyle, who didn’t like Keith’s patriotic views. “You’re allowed to love your country, but you don’t have to view yourself as better than everyone […]