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Women in cafés with Macbooks

by kbrecordzz September 30, 2024 general thoughts

Here comes an unscientific rant from the top of my head. When I say that no woman knows about the existence of the Windows operating system, PLEASE try to understand my point instead of getting a hangup on the obviously false fact.

For some reason, people sitting in cafés only have Mac computers. They could have had other kinds of computers, with Windows on them, but absolutely none of them have. When I'm in a cafe with my computer, I'm always the only one with a PC instead of a Mac. This is especially true for women in their early to late 20s in cafés, and I guess that when women in their early to late 20s hang out with their woman friends, none of their friends have PCs, so they don't know it exists. The fact that Windows is one of the most well-known things in the whole technology world, and that no women in their 20s know it exists, says something about how culture works. Ideas, behavior and things aren't equally spread out, they're either-or. Everybody in your workplace uses Windows, everyone in your local urban café uses Mac. It's easier to follow than to stand out, which creates these sharp either-or situations.

This was a side-thought to a main thought I had when travelling to Berlin: When you're travelling you typically want to be safe, and you don't always know how to be that because you're at an unknown place. In such cases it can be beneficial to use your prejudice: Stay away from people who look strange, take extra caution around people speaking languages where you don't have the intuition for when it sounds happy or angry, and assume that men are more violent than women. Generally in life, you won't win anything by thinking like this, but in sudden moments of uncertainty it can help you. However, what I learned is that the best thing to surround yourself with is women in their 20s sitting in cafés and hitting their soft industrially designed Mac keys with their gentle girl-paws. You'll feel a warm and immense security by their presence, like taking a nice bath in some kind of comforting hormones. I guess part of it is that I just like the idea of women (otherwise I probably wouldn't have these strange theoretical thoughts about them), but it's something special with these urban women with Macbooks that makes you feel especially comfortable.

End of rant. (One takeaway from this could be: Mac is an more aesthetic computer for people who like making aesthetic things. And I have a feeling that we have a lot to learn about design and how to make things look and feel good from women. Maybe the fact that women are less violent and more calm even goes hand in hand with them liking Macbooks? Something with sharp edges feeling threatful, etc. But I haven't thought enough about this to write about it outside of a parenthesis yet.)

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