Four years ago, in 2020, I had some hopes for a new Gwen album. Then I waited, and waited, and waited more. And today it finally came out! […]
In my previous post I wrote about the limitations web browsers put on your web program's or game's Javascript code. You want to use a device's full CPU and memory - especially if you make something advanced like a game - but you can't. But if you learn how web browsers work, you can make the best ou […]
Here are some thoughts following "The bootstrap problem": In order to create multiple web games without ending up with more and more to do because the games need to continue to function on a changing web, I made sure to use timeless HTML and Javascript features for This Is (NOT!) A Car Club so I won […]
I just read something about the latest web programming trend "#nobuild", which means: Writing code in a normal way in order to make it run normally in a web browser. It never ceases to amaze me how people can believe something that has existed since the web started - no, something that is the founda […]