Sketches, ideas, bad things, good things, things that didn't fit, etc... Some is made by me, a few is made by others, and a lot of it is in some degree AI generated.

Maglev trains for the maglev train themed boss:

Some standard cars and one for the scrapped character O'Ballin:

Mock-up sketch ideas for cars:

Badass car for the main character Shelf:


Dogert with a colorful shirt:

A plate of sushi (scrapped character):

Old Adele:

Old Daddy (with separate head and body, for some reason):

Sketch of Hårass:

Old Dark Gandalf:

Scrapped character O'Ballin with his scrapped friend "Human":

The maglev train themed boss before it became a cat:

Old backside of Shelf:

Shelf with a bandana:

A sky that is on fire, for the scrapped town Testotown:

The last skybox I used, before I decided to not use skyboxes (it feels like you're trapped inside walls that look like nature):

Cool space sky:

Old skybox for HongKong themed area:

Adele's gym store (now his aunt, Moster Savage, runs it instead):

The carclub's club house, inspired by (and blatantly stolen from) Volvo sub-company "Connected Solutions":

Sign for sharp turns (I just removed the sharp turns instead):

In the beginning, the game was cow themed:

and one area had pancake-textured ground, because it was a flat earth conspiracy town (pancakes are flat):

A game logo/splash screen that Sachiko Mili made, when the game was still cow themed. almost nothing is left from that time:

Here it is with my additions on top of it:

Old Episode 1 logo:

Old splash screen:

Another old splash screen, that I placed on top of a scenic 3D view:

Cool explosion sound:

Old O'Malley voice, when he still was an adult Irish baby and not an Irish badger:

Voice of scrapped character "Human":

Banjo-Kazooie, anyone? (O'Ballin's voice)

Hårass old voice:

/kbrecordzz, 2023-12-17