Golden email: Banjo-Kazooie

Magical things in Banjo-Kazooie:
-Opening a "note door" that lets you enter a whole new area of the game, after struggeling to get it to work for a long time. I did when I was little, it took so long time because I didn't know how to do it at all, for years, and then I progressed into new areas, one after the other, during a weekend. It was very cathartic and magical.
-When you realize the puzzle image you was shown early in the game (Click Clock Wood), without any explanation at all, is the puzzle image for the final stage, and you're there now (so THAT'S what that was!?). An early reveal of the absolute end of the game.
-Jumping on a "ground button", that creates some unexpected and desired change in the overworld. Like you're in one of the courses, find a button and jumps on it, and a puzzle-piece falls down from the roof somewhere in the overworld. And you know, that when you're going back to the overworld, you'll get to go there and grab the reward. Wow!
-The feeling of unity between the graphics, music, sounds, terrain, movement, and everything else. There isn't one single crack in the matrix that makes you realize that this isn't a real world, this is a video game. It's always a real world. even though everything is made out of low-resolution boxes and edges.
-Collecting musical notes, because they look, sound and feel addicting. So it unfortunately has the bad sides of addiction as well.
-Entering a new level for the first time, and watching everything weird in awe, knowing you have a lot of new things to explore now.

/kbrecordzz, 2024-05-08