Golden email #2: Bad bitches in K-pop?
The "West" got more bad bitches than "Asia" has. "Asians" are too polite for that. I think Blackpink are big because of this, because they're bad bitches to some degree which resonates with "Westerners", but they're still Korean enough to be exotic to Westerners and also hit home in Korea. But as I said, they're an exception, most K-pop artists are just polite and nice (is this the parenthesis where I disclaim that Blackpink are polite and nice too even if their music has "bad bitch" vibes in it? Seems like that).
I love the polite vibe of K-pop. In K-pop it's not cool to be rude. It's not cool to be lazy and depressed, it's all about hard work. It's not cool to be rebellious and "rock'n'roll", it's cool to work-out and be thin . A lot has been said about K-pop's "unhealthy beauty standards" and yes, they may be too obsessed with losing weight, but since you must be physically fit to dance and sing all day they won't die of any heart diseases! You can't party, do drugs and be super fat if you want to be an artist, how are you gonna stay "on top of your game" then? And how come rock got away with prioritizing partying over music for so long?? K-pop inspires to the opposite of the rock'n'roll lifestyle: To be healthy and ambitious. The songs are upbeat and positive (of course there are exceptions: all the ballads, and all the songs I forget because I'm biased towards upbeat and positive songs) and I become upbeat and positive by listening to them. That's one reason I like this genre today, K-pop always wants to build you up instead of tearing you down. I've drifted away from a lot of music I used to like because I got bad or half-bad feelings from listening to it. Why listen to sad music? I don't want to be sad! That's why I like K-pop.
/kbrecordzz, 2022-11-04