Golden Email #16: 3 notes I have that explain some things
1. The world of facts is built up of abstractions (you can call something a "car" but if you look at it as an engine, wheels, seats, etc, you will understand more of how it works). If you get past the trendy industry words and see what it actually means you can see what's false about the world and you'll know more than everyone else.
2. The easist way to change the world:
- Do one thing per day
- Get done earlier than planned
- Ask other people who know stuff before trying it out yourself
- Trash ideas and start new on something different ANYTIME
3. The originality paradox: When you imitate something successful because you believe it will make you successful too, but you don't realize that the thing's success came from its originality. And it's never original to imitate something original.
/kbrecordzz, 2024-02-26