Short description:
kbrecordzz is a global, premier, high-end, all-media entertainment production conglomerate. ^
Long description:
kbrecordzz produces art & entertainment.
Production of art & entertainment, and appreciation of art & entertainment that strives to be good & beautiful in its own without letting business take over its soul, is, and will always be, the core of kbrecordzz.
Art & entertainment that... timeless
...stands on its own
...tries to be the best form of what it aims to be, whether that is to be interesting, funny, visually appealing, or... (fill in the blank)
...doesn't reduce itself without first trying not to, that doesn't compromise without first trying not to, that believes being interesting & unique goes hand in hand with being widely understandable & accessible, instead of believing you have to choose between "niche" but interesting and "mainstream" but watered-down
Pokémon (the first games)
Red Velvet
Kanye West's "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" & "Yeezus"
Pantera's whole discography
...(add your own favorite, something you've liked for your whole life and will never stop liking)
Believe religiously in creating good things.
"One musician, I’m told, would add his newest track to a playlist along with the most beloved songs of all time to see if his work stood up in this context. If not, he would set it aside and keep working toward greatness."
"It may not be obvious, but most projects aim to be average or slightly better then the predecessor, not revolutionary, or even great. Whatever you are interested in doing, ask yourself if its going to blow everyone mind, if it isn't, its too much work for too little reward. I have a theory that every project gets done on time and on budget plus minus 10%, disregarding of budget and time table. People usually do what is required of them. That goes for ambition too, so set high goals and force yourself to innovate to make it happen. You cant be a fan when dealing with your own projects, because you can surpass your heroes only if you can see past them. Don't ask your self what your remember when you where young, ask yourself what you want to remember when you are old."
"There is a significant difference in the way people that actually believe that every thing can potentially be inhabited by a literal god approach their work culture. Our usual cynicism towards the intent behind corporate output is significantly tempered in Japan by both the expectation of craftsmen living up to the idea of imbuing their craft with divine essence and the expectation that the people consuming these products will treat the act of consumption as something of an act of worship. This trend is, obviously, weakening as secular times march on. However, it remains strong enough to routinely produce local consumer cults, and few companies are better at this than Nintendo, which has active cultural brands running for decades now. Western companies wish they could replicate it, but they always mess up their properties in one way or another."
"Would you believe in what you believe in if you were the only one who believed it?"
- This Is (NOT!) A Car Club
Our best texts:
- SM Entertainment
- We need the Game Boy Advance user design on the internet!
- K-pop music videos
- K-pop music
- Pewdiepie's Minecraft series
- AI and sampling